Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Gorge Trio

Gorge Trio
Dead Chicken Fear No Knife (1998)
Free Land Records
Out Of Print

Dead Chicken was put to tape by 3/4 of the band Colossamite in order to tread where that band would not, if you can imagine that. Gorge Trio would ultimately find even more bizarre things to do in the studio, with a series of improvised collaborations over the next decade, but Dead Chicken archives the trio creating their only record in which the songs were premeditated, rehearsed, and perhaps even replicated live.
Recorded in the same year as Colossamite's pivotal masterpiece of insanity, the record naturally shares some likeness to Economy of Motion, but is somehow allowed to wander unlike it's counterpart. Whereas Colossamite seemed to have fully intended to create a particular album, Gorge Trio was not so protective of the outcome on Dead Chicken. It still champions that furiously clean Rodriguez/Dieterich guitar tone, along with that notoriously spastic clamour that is Chad Popple on the drumkit, but the song structures are wide-open, allowed to breathe, perhaps so much that they unravel, fall apart, or even lose their identities wholly. They may become rants of noise or evolve into unforeseen things. All in all, one of the finest examples of what can be done with a couple of guitars and a drumkit.
Dead Chicken Fear No Knife is currently out of print. The CD occasionally pops up on Ebay for under 20 bones, or just email me and I'll upload it.
Here are 5 tracks from the album.

1 comment:

cain said...

amazing, amazing album. a shame it's not better known.